this shot is a medium close up this shows four armed cops from the shoulder to the head. the looks of the cop show that they are looking for the man they want (tom cruise) looking straight. the camera angle it is taken at is a unusual perceptive because of they way it shows danger. the ex cop(tom cruise) is wanted. the police in the shot have a facial expression showing anger. the way the cops are looking at the hero will make him fell fear.
the long shot allows you to see tom cruise at the background and a car in the mid. the long shot establish the background of the city and the mid of a alley way. the hero ex cop tom cruise is running away from police because he is wanted. this sot is taken from a long angle. the hero cop has stopped to run into an alley. he is shown small. this can infer that he is weak and not powerful.
this shot is a close up. this shows the face of the tom cruise and the way he is looking at the camera with a fear expression and looks in danger. this shows that the hero is stopped by the police and permitted to stay calm and to not run. the angle that is used in the shot is a high angle this infers that he look weak because he does not know where to go.
Dinesh - your summer project does not exist at the moment. You are a study club student and you have had about 3 months to get a blog up and running and to get this sorted in school if it wasn't possible at home. Straight to DF06 to fix this + stay here after school P6 if necessary before returning to study club.